Evolutionary biology and venomics
04–Book chapters
06–Outreach articles
H-Index 24
i10-Index 30
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Reviewed articles (numbered) & Book chapters

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Nash WJ, Man A, McTaggart S, Baker K, Barker T, Catchpole L, Durrant A, Gharbi K, Irish N, Kaithakottil G, Ku D, Providence A, FShaw F, Swarbreck D, Watkins C, McCartney AM, Giulio Formenti, Mouton A, Vella N, von Reumont BM, Vella A, Haerty W. (2024). The genome sequence of the Violet Carpenter Bee, Xylocopa violacea (Linnaeus, 1785): a hymenopteran species undergoing range expansion. bioRxiv. https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2024.04.03.587942v1. Revisions in Heredity


46.) Zancolli G*, von Reumont BM*, Anderluh G, Caliskan F, Chiusano ML, Fröhlich J, Hapeshi E, Hempel B-F, Ikonomopoulou MP, Jungo F, Marchot P, Mendes de Farias T, Modica MV, Moran Y, Nalbantsoy A, Procházka J, Tarallo A, Tonello F, Vitorino R, Zammit M, Antunes A. Web of venom: exploration of big data resources in animal toxin research. Accepted GigaScience

45.) Pinheiro-Junior EL, Alirahimi E, Peigneur S, Isensee J, Schiffmann S, Erkoc P, Fürst R, Vilcinskas A, Sennoner T, Koludarov I, Hempel BF, Tytgat J, Hucho T, von Reumont BM*. Diversely evolved xibalbin variatns from remipede venom inhibit potassium channels and activate PKA-II and Erk1/2 signalling. BMC Biology. 22(164) https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12915-024-01955-5


44.) Koludarov I*, Velasque M, Senoner T,  Timm T , Greve C, Hamadou AB, Kumar Gupta D, Lochnit G, Heinzinger M, Vilcinskas A, Gloag R, Harpur BA , Podsiadlowski L, Rost B, Jackson TNW, Dutertre S, Stolle E, von Reumont BM*. (2023). Prevalent bee venom genes evolved before the aculeate stinger and eusociality. BMC Biology. 21(229). https://bmcbiol.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12915-023-01656-5


43.) Erkoc P *, von Reumont BM *, Lüddecke T, Henke M, Ulshöfer T, Vilcinskas A, Fürst R, Schiffmann S. The Pharmacological Potential of Novel Melittin Variants from the Honeybee and Solitary Bees against Inflammation and Cancer. Toxins, 14(12). 818. DOI: 10.3390/toxins14120818 pdf.

42.) von Reumont BM et al. (EUVEN WG2 Whitepaper-Review). (2022). Current insights, novel methods and future perspectives in biological and applied animal venom research. GigaScience. DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giac048. pdf.

41.) von Reumont BM, Dutertre S, Koludarov I. (2022). Venom profile of the European carpenter bee Xylocopa violacea: evolutionary and applied considerations on its toxin components. Toxicon: X. (14) 100117. pdf.

40.) von Reumont BM, Szucsich N, Sombke A. (2022). Giftevolution in aktiv giftigen Chilopoden – Die unerwartet diversen Gifte der Hundertfüßer. Biologie in Unserer Zeit. 1/2022 (52). Feature article. pdf.


39.) Lüddecke T*,  Herzig V, von Reumont BM*Vilcinskas A.(2021). The biology and evolution of spider venoms. Biological Reviews, 97, pp. 163-178. pdf.

38.) Lüddecke T , Paas A, Talmann L, Kirchhoff KN, von Reumont BM, Billion A , Timm T, Lochnit G, Vilcinskas A (2021). A Spider Toxin Exemplifies the Promises and Pitfalls of Cell-free Protein Production for Venom Biodiscovery. Toxins, 13(8) 575, pdf.

37.) Schmidberg H, von Reumont BM*, Lemke S, Vilcinskas A, Lüddecke T* (2021). Morphological Analysis Reveals a Compartmentalized Duct in the Venom Apparatus of the Wasp Spider (Argiope bruennichi). Toxins. 13(4), pdf.

von Reumont BM & Vilcinskas A (2021). TIERGIFTE – Evolutionäres Wettrüsten mit enormen Wirkstoffarsenal. Senckenberg Natur-Forschung-Museum. 2. Quartal 2021.

36.) Modica MV etal. (2021). The new COST action European Venom Network (EUVEN) – synergy and future perspectives of modern Venomics. GigaScience. 10(3), pdf.


35.) Lueddeck T & von Reumont BM. Venomics – Tiergifte als Quelle neuartiger Bioressourcen. Invited article, Biospektrum. 07.2020, Jahrgang 26

34.) Succzich etal. (2020). Four myriapod relatives – but who are sisters? No end to debates on relationships among the four major myriapod subgroups? BMC Evolutionary Biology, 20(144). pdf.

33.) von Reumont BM, Lüddecke T,  Timm T, Lochnit G, Vilcinskas A, von Döhren J , Nilsson MA. (2020).
Proteo-transcriptomic analysis identifies potential novel toxins secreted by the predatory, prey-piercing ribbon worm Amphiporus lactifloreus. Marine Drugs. 18(8), 407, pdf.

Book chapter | von Reumont BM & Edgecombe GD. (2020). Crustaceans and insect evolution. In: The natural history of the crustaceans. Volume 8, “Evolution and Biogeography”. Gary Poore & Martin Thiel (Edts). Oxford University Press, USA.

32.) Lüddecke T, von Reumont BM, Förster F, Billion A, Timm T, Lochnit G, Vilcinskas A, Lemke S. (2020).
An economic dilemma between weapon systems may explain an arachno-atypical venom in wasp spiders (Argiope bruennichi). Biomolecules. 10(7)978. pdf.

31.) Oyen etal. (2020). Draft genomes of two sawflies reveal evolutionary acquisitions that fostered the megaradiation of parasitoid and eusocial Hymenoptera. Genome Biology and Evolution. 12(7). pdf.


30.) Özbek  R, Wielsch N, Vogel H, Lochnit G, Förster F, Vilcinskas A, von Reumont BM. (2019). Proteo- transcriptomic characterization of the venom from the endoparasitoid wasp Pimpla turionellae with aspects on its biology and evolution. (2019). Toxins, 11(12), 721. pdf

29.) Jenner R, von Reumont BM, Campbell L, Undheim E. (2019). Parallel evolution of complex centipede venoms revealed by comparative proteotranscriptomic analyses. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 36(12), 4057. pdf

28.) Drukewitz SH, Bokelmann L, Undheim E, von Reumont BM.(2019). Toxins from scratch? – Diverse, multimodal gene origins in predatory robber flies indicate dynamic venom evolution in dipteran insects. GigaScience. 8(7). pdf.

27.) Drukewitz SH & von Reumont BM. (2019). The significance of comparative genomics in modern evolutionary venomics. Special topic: Diversity and Evolution of Animal Venoms – Neglected Targets, Ecological Interactions, Future Perspectives. Frontiers of Ecology and Evolution. pdf.

26.) Drukewitz SH, Jaus RT, Bokelmann L, von Reumont BM. (2019). The complete mitochondrial genome of the hymenopteran hunting robber fly Dasypogon diadema. Mitochondrial DNA Part B: Resources, 4(1). pdf.


25.) von Reumont BM (2018). Studying small and neglected organisms in modern evolutionary venomics implementing RNASeq (transcriptomics) – a critical guide. (2018). Toxins, 10, 292. pdf

24.) Drukewitz HS, Fuhrmann N, Undheim EAB, Blanke A, Giribaldi J, Mary Rosanna, Lacond G, Dutertre S, von Reumont BM. (2018). A dipterans novel sucker punch: Evolution of arthropod atypical venom with a neurotoxic component in robber flies (Asilidae, Diptera). Toxins 10(1), 29. pdf


23.) von Reumont BM, Undheim EAM, Jauss RT, and Jenner RA. (2017). Venomics of remipede crustaceans reveals novel peptide diversity and illuminates the venom’s biological role. Toxins. 9(8) 234. pdf.


22.) Kjer et al. (1KITE consortium). (2015). Response to Comment on “Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution. Science. 349(6247):487.


21.) von Reumont  BM, Campbell L, Jenner RA. (2014). Quo vadis venomics? A roadmap to neglected venomous invertebrates. Toxins. Invited Review., 2014, 6, 3488-3551. pdf.

20.) Misof et al. (1KITE consortium). (2014). Phylogenomics resolves the timing and pattern of insect evolution. Science. 346(6210):763-767. pdf.

19.) Misof B, Meusemann K,von Reumont* BM, Kück P, Prohaska S, Stadler PF. (2014). A priori assessment of data quality in  molecular phylogenetics. Algorithms for Molecular Biology. 9 (22). pdf.

18.) von Reumont BM,Campbell L,Richter S, Hering L, Hetmank J, Jenner RA, Bleidorn C. (2014). An annelid’s powerful punch, venom gland transcriptomics of Glycera reveal an extremely diverse toxin cocktail. Genome Biology and Evolution. 6 (9): 2404-2423. pdf.

17.) Perina A, von Reumont BM, Martínez- Lage A, González-Tizón AM. (2014). Accessing transcriptomic data for ecologically important genes in the goose barnacle (Pollicipes pollicipes), with particular focus on cement proteins. Marine Genomics. 15: 9-11.

Book chapter | von Reumont BM, Wägele JW (2014). Advances in molecular phylogeny of crustaceans in the light of phylogenomic data. In: Deep Metazoan Phylogeny: The backbone of the Tree of Life. Wägele J.W.; Bartholomäus T. (Hrsg.). De Gruyter. pdf.

Book chapter | Stocsits R, Letsch H, Meusemann K, von Reumont BM, Misof B, Hertel J, Tafer H, Stadler PF  (2014). RNA in phylogenetic reconstruction. In: Deep Metazoan Phylogeny: The backbone of the Tree of Life. Wägele J.W.; Bartholomäus T. (Hrsg.). De Gruyter. pdf.

16.) von Reumont BM, Blanke A, Richter S, Alvarez F, Bleidorn C, Jenner RA (2014). The first venomous crustacean revealed by transcriptomics and functional morphology: remipede venom glands express a unique toxin cocktail dominated by enzymes and a neurotoxin. Molecular Biology and Evolution. 31(1): 48-58. pdf.


15.) Misof B, Meyer B, von Reumont BM, Kuck P, Misof K, Meusemann K (2013). Selecting informative subsets of sparse supermatrices increases the chance to find correct trees. BMC Bioinformatics. 14(1): 348. pdf.

14.) Schwarz A, von Reumont BM, Erhart J, Chagas AC, Ribeiro JMC, Kotsyfakis M (2013). De novo Ixodes ricinus salivary gland transcriptome analysis using two different next-generation sequencing methodologies. Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology. pdf.

13.) Stemme T, TIliffe TM,  von Reumont BM, Koenemann S, Harzsch S, Bicker G (2013). Serotonin-immunoreactive neurons in the ventral nerve cord of Remipedia (Crustacea): support for a sister group relationship of Remipedia and Hexapoda? BMC Evolutionary Biology 13 (1): 119. pdf.

12.) Bernt M, Bleidorn C, Braband A, Dambach J, Donath A, Fritzsch G, Golombek A, Hadrys H, Jühling F, Meusemann K, Martin Middendorf M,  Misof B, Perseke M, Podsiadlowski L, von Reumont BM, Schierwater B, Schlegel M, Schrödl M,  Simon S, Stadler PF, Stöger I, Struck TH (2013). A comprehensive analysis of bilaterian mitochondrial genomes and phylogeny. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. pdf.


11.) von Reumont BM, Jenner RA, Wills MA, Dell´Ampio E, Pass G, Ebersberger I, Meusemann K, Meyer B, Koenemann S, Iliffe TM, Stamatakis A, Niehuis O, Misof B (2012). Pancrustacean phylogeny in the light of new phylogenomic data: support for Remipedia as the possible sister group of Hexapoda. Molecular Biology and Evolution 29 (3) 1031-1045. pdf.

10.) von Reumont BM, Struwe J-F, Schwarzer J, Misof B (2012). Phylogeography of the burnet moth Zygaena transalpina-complex: molecular and morphometrical differentiation suggests glacial refugia in Southern France, Western Europe and micro refugia within the Alps. Journal of Zoological Systematics and Evolutionary Research 50 (1) 38-50. pdf.


9.) Rehm P, Borner J, Meusemann K, von Reumont BM, Simon S, Hadrys H, Misof B, Burmester T (2011). Dating the arthropod tree based on large-scale transcriptome data. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 61 (3): 880-887. pdf

Book chapter | von Reumont BM, Meid Sandra, Misof Bernhard (2011). Aspects of quality and project management in analyses of large scale sequencing data (2011). In: Wide spectra of quality control, INTECH Open Access Publisher ISBN 9789533076836. pdf.


8.) Meusemann K*, v. Reumont BM*, Simon S, Roeding F, Kück P, Strauss S, Ebersberger I, Walzl M, Pass G, Breuers S, Achter V, v. Haeseler A, Burmester T, Hadrys H, Wägele JW, Misof B* (2010). A phylogenomic approach to resolve the arthropod tree of life. Molecular Biology and Evolution 27 (11): 2451-2464. pdf.

7.) Kück P, Meusemann K, Dambach J, Thormann B, v. Reumont BM, Wägelge JW, Misof B (2010). Parametric and non-parametric masking of randomness in sequence alignments can be improved and leads to better resolved trees. Frontiers in Zoology, 7:10. pdf.

6.) Koenemann S, Hoenemann M, Stemme T, Jenner RA, v. Reumont BM (2010). Arthropod phylogeny revisited, with a focus on crustacean relationships. Arthropod Structure and Development 39, 88-110. pdf.


5.) Ertas B, v. Reumont BM, Wägele JW, Misof B, Burmester T (2009). Hemocyanin suggests a close relationship of Remipedia and Hexapoda. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 26 (12): 2711-2718. pdf.

4.) v. Reumont BM, Meusemann K, Szucsich NU, Dell’Ampio E, Gowri-Shankar V, Bartel D, Simon S, Letsch HO, Stocsits R, Luan YX, Wägele JW, Pass G, Hadrys H, Misof B (2009). Can comprehensive background knowledge be incorporated into substitution models to improve phylogenetic analyses? A case study on major arthropod relationships. BMC Evolutionary Biology (2009) 9:119. pdf.

3.) R. Pirow, I. Buchen, M. Richter, C. Allmer, F. Nunes, A. Günsel, W. Heikens, T. Lamkemeyer, B. M. v. Reumont, S. K. Hetz (2009). Cationic composition and acid-base state of the extracellular fluid, and specific buffer value of hemoglobin from the branchiopod crustacean Triops cancriformis. Journal of Comparative Physiology B (2009);179(3):369-81.


2.) Boye C, Meusemann K, Meyer-Cords C, von Reumont B (2002): Fledermauskundler fangen viele Fledermäuse – Bericht von einer Netzfangaktion im Siebengebirge bei Bonn. Nyctalus (N.F.) 8, 231-239.

1.) Boye C, Boye P, Eiden K, Meusemann K, Meyer-Cords C, von Reumont B, Schweitzer U (2002): Die Ofenkaulen im Siebengebirge als Fledermausquartier: Die aktuell vorkommenden Arten, Bestände und Gefährdungen. – Decheniana (Bonn) 155, 81-103.

Articles in German | General articles and publications

v. Reumont BM, Burmester T. (2010). Remipedia and the evolution of hexapods. Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). pdf.

Blanke A, Meusemann K, von Reumont BM, Meusemann H, Beckmann F, Misof B (2010). Contributions to the phylogeny of Anisoptera from SR μCT-data of internal head morphology. HASYLAB annual report 2010. 01/2010

v Reumont BM (2010): Molecular insights to crustacean phylogeny: A status quo of past, present and perspective prospects also covering phylogenomics. Südewestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften, ISBN 978-3-8381-1770-6.

v. Reumont BM (2009): Tauchen in das Erdaltertum – Höhlentauchexpedition in mexikanischen Unterwasserhöhlen beleuchtet Evolution der Crustacea neu. Koenigiana 3 (2). pdf

Schmidt C, v. Reumont BM (2006): Myriapoda, Brockhaus – Faszination Natur, Wirbellose Tiere I.